Tuesday, October 11, 2005

PSU Ohio St weekend

I was up at PSU this past weekend to partake in festivities surrounding the Ohio St. vs PSU game, and some things seem to be changing just from a few years ago. Maybe it's just me, but the cops seem more lenient than they were in years past. People could easily cross the street between tailgates with can/bottles of beer in their hand. I saw people actually drinking at the HUB lawn, and carrying open containers through east halls. I don’t know if people just have more balls or if the cops are more lenient or a mix of both, but I definitely didn't see that a few years ago.

I didn’t go to any bars at all (other than to watch the game at sportscafe) this weekend since pretty much every bar had lines at least 30-50 people out the door. However, I went to lots of apartment parties. (It's good to have a sibling still at PSU) One party I went to I did feel a little old because I think pretty much everyone was under 21. However, other parties you had alumni who were parents of college kids, you had older friends, siblings, cousins, uncles etc. where I didn’t feel old at all. Of course at these parties people seem to leave based on age. The 50+ crowd leaves around midnight. The late 30’s 40’s crowd leaves around 1-2. People in the late 20's (including myself) leave after 2 and the college age kids go strong to 5 am.

It’s interesting how much more energy I had up there this weekend then I do at home. Usually here I’m tired by midnight on a Friday but I remember it was about 2 am on Friday and I still didn’t feel tired at all. Must be something in the air. Maybe the feeling of a big football game the next day, or being back at your alma matter, or maybe just be the presence of thousands of girls between 18 and 25 in downtown State College that makes it hard to be tired :-)


Blogger Colleen said...

Tom, please tell me you weren't hitting on the under-21-year-olds! 'Cause that's just sick!

8:11 PM PDT  
Blogger Tim said...

Tom, please tell me you were hitting on the under-21-year-olds! 'Cause that's just awesome!

11:59 PM PDT  

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