Sunday, June 04, 2006

girls guys & body weight

There are obviously many differences between men and women but one that I find interesting is that women no matter how slim and athletic they are still wouldn't often want to reveal their weight. With guys, it's sometimes the total opposite, there are lots of guys who are close to being obese and will gladly let everyone what their weight is. Anyone with good eyes can probably estimate how much a person weights yet you are probably more likely to get guys admitting that they cried during a movie then get a girl to tell you their weight. If I tell a guy friend that he's packing on a few pounds in his gut most guys don't care, but if female friends tell that to each other, feeling are hurt and friendships maybe lost. It's just interesting in our culture how body weight is such a different subject for males compared to females.


Blogger Tim said...

you fuckin fatty

10:58 PM PDT  

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