Imus - Vtech - media
If there was anything good that happened out of the Virginia Tech shooting this week is that it removed Don Imus from the news. How one radio broadcaster calling girls nappy headed hoes has to be breaking news every day last week beats me, when other then people's feelings being hurt there was really no damage done and has absolutely no impact on most people's life. If everytime people were fired due to saying insenstive things the unemployment rate in this country would be very high. This week with the Virginia Tech shooting there was actually significant news that impacted lots of people It's just interesting how news networks (CBS & MSNBC) fired Don Imus since they thought he was offensive yet they were willing to show videos and photos that the Virginia Tech shooter made before the shooting. You would think showing videos the shooter made and showing them only two days after the shooting is much more insensitive & offensive to the friends & familes of the victims then having Don Imus on TV. Shame on the news media.