Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pennsylvania in center of it all

Although, I wouldn't go as far as to call myself a political junkie, nor do I passionately support either democratic candidate, it's kind of exciting to have Pennsylvania be in the center of the political universe for the past month and especially the past few days and next 48 hours. Every 4 years there is always focus on Iowa and New Hampshire, now for the 1st time in a long time all the focus is on Pennsylvania. The candidates and their surrogates are in the Philly area pretty much every day and there are tons of national media all over the place. Even local politicians like Governor Rendell and Mayor Nutter are on national programs news programs like 'Meet the Press' and 'Face the Nation'. Lots of news programs talk about the PA economy and give all kinds of demographic data about the state. A lot of people outside the state (or even in the state) have learned a lot more about Pennsylvania over the past month. I'm sure some people are already tired of all the campaigning, but it will seem kind of weird next week when I turn on a news network and nobody is talking about the PA primary.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

100,000 miles

I know nobody on the planet cares about this other than me but this past week my Nissan Sentra hit 100,000 miles. Since it happened when i was parking my car at home, I took a picture since it's probably the most significant milestone in the history of your vehicle. Of those 100k miles other then a few when i let my friends drive pretty much every mile was put on with me behind the wheel. Now that the car is at 100k it's slowly becoming time to start looking for a new car.