Iraq war
When it comes to the war in Iraq there is always a lot of spin. People who are against the war say things are horrible, and point to the contast bloodshed 5 years into a war. People who are more supportive of the war say things are going well, that civilian casualties are down and that former insurgents are now fighting Al Queda.
However, it's hard to spin raw numbers and facts, and if you look at troop casualties counts in 2007 compared to 2006 they point a bleak picture. In the first 8 months of this year, every month has seen a higher amount of casualties then the previous year. Not only that but the highest casualty count last year for a month is actually lower then the lowest casualty count this year. If you're in a 5th year of a war and you're having these kind of casualties things are NOT going well, no matter how people try to spin it.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
2006 62 55 31 76 69 61 43 65
2007 83 81 81 104 126 101 79 84